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خانه / بایگانی برچسب: Simulation repeated impact in abaqus

بایگانی برچسب: Simulation repeated impact in abaqus

Crushing analysis of a foam-filled aluminum/CFRP hybrid tube against transverse impact in Abaqus

In this tutorial, the crushing analysis of a foam-filled aluminum/CFRP hybrid tube against transverse impact in Abaqus was done. The aluminum tube, CFRP, and aluminum foam are modeled as three-dimensional parts. You can see a figure of the assembled parts below Thin-walled structures made of conventional metals, such as aluminum ...

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Investigation on the repeated impact responses of circular concrete-filled double-tube (CFDT) members in Abaqus

In this tutorial, the Investigation on the repeated impact responses of circular concrete-filled double-tube (CFDT) members in Abaqus have been studied. The two concrete cores are modeled as three-dimensional solid parts. The two steel tubes are modeled as three-dimensional solid parts. The rigid hammer as an impact is used also. ...

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