This file contains more than Twenty CAE files and nine English videos and eleven Persian videos of many advanced simulations in ABAQUS software. You can see the bellow list of the simulation subjects Simulation impact balloon filed with gas to the net Simulation blast explosion over concrete slab with brittle ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation rigid ball impact to the balloon filled with gas
In this video rigid ball impact to the balloon filled with gas has been simulated. For modeling balloon shell elements and for creating internal gas fluid cavity technique has been used. Dynamic Explicit procedure is appropriate for this type of analysis and during the analysis you can see ball ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation ball impact to the net in Abaqus by using Fluid Cavity procedure
In this video we did a step by step simulation of impacting ball to the net in ABAQUS. In this example we used couple fluid structure analysis base on Fluid Cavity procedure. Inside of the ball filled with gas with molecular weight and gas pressure. Ball modeled as shell elements ...
ادامه نوشته »آنالیز ضربه ناشی از گسیختگی یک لوله در آباکوس
در این ویدئو به شبیه سازی گسیختگی یک لوله فشار بالا و برخورد آن با یک لوله دیگر در نرم افزار آباکوس پرداخته ایم. در بسیاری از مواقع طراحی و بررسی این مسائل خصوصا در نیروگاه ها بسیار اهمیت داشته و انجام می شود.در این مثال فرض می شود که ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation femur bone fracture under rigid impact in Abaqus
In this video we did a step by step simulation of bone fracture during the impact with rigid body in ABAQUS. Impactor was modeled as rigid body with initial velocity to penetrate into the femur bone. To create bone geometry, we used Solidworks and then bone was imported to ABAQUS. ...
ادامه نوشته »شبیه سازی برخورد جسم صلب به استخوان و شکست آن در آباکوس
در این ویدئو به شبیه سازی قدم به قدم برخورد یک جسم صلب به استخوان Femur در آباکوس پرداخته ایم. جسم ضربه زننده به صورت صلب مدل شده و برای آن سرعت اولیه در نظر گرفته شده تا بتواند در استخوان نفوذ کند. هندسه استخوان با توجه به پیچیدگی های ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation bird strike by using SPH method in ABAQUS
In this video we did a step by step simulation of bird strike in ABAQUS. During the analysis bird collided to the windshield. In this example we used SPH formulation for modeling bird behavior. There is two ways to create SPH procedure in ABAQUS, first use ABAQUS CAE but this ...
ادامه نوشته »Under water explosion by using Eulerian method in Abaqus
This file contain CAE and full English video of Under water Eulerian explosion in the depth of water in ABAQUS step by step.With the increased world tension, terrorist bombing attacks or accidental explosions are becoming a large threat to infra-structure such as the important economic, military and civilian facilities. The ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation Eulerian explosion in the Lagrangian pipe in Abaqus
This file contain CAE and full English video of Eulerian explosion in the Lagrangian pipe in ABAQUS step by step.An explosive detonated in water is a rapid chemical reaction in a substance, which instantly converts the original material into hot explosion gas with a temperature of approximately 3000C and induces ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation blast loading over concrete slab
In this video you can see Simulation blast loading over concrete slab in Abaqus step by step. Concrete is modeled as lagrangian part with Johnson-Cook material plasticity and damage to predict fracture area in slab. JH material is appropriate for blast analysis and high speed deformation. For blast modeling CONWEP ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation bullet impact to the concrete wall with Johnson-Cook material
This video explains high velocity impact of a bullet to the concrete wall step by step.Bullet is modeled as a 3 dimensional part with rigid property and concrete as a 3 dimensional part with Johnson-Cook plasticity and damage for predicting fracture area that happened during the analysis.Johnson-Cook material has better ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation blast loading over concrete slab reinforced by composite layers in Abaqus
In this video you can see Simulation blast loading over concrete slab reinforced by composite layers in Abaqus step by step.With the increased world tension, terrorist bombing attacks or accidental explosions are becoming a large threat to infra-structure such as the important economic, military and civilian facilities. The research on ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation high velocity bullet impact to the concrete wall in Abaqus
In this video you will see a step by step video of high velocity impact on to the concrete wall in Abaqus. Bullet modeled as a lagrangian part . For modeling concrete behavior under the impact JHC material has been use. During the analysis bullet penetrate into the concrete wall ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation high velocity impact of steel rod to the ceramic-composite plate in Abaqus
This is full English video step by step explain simulation high velocity impact of a steel projectile into the ceramic-composite plate in Abaqus . During the analysis the projectile penetrate into the plate and removed ceramic elements but the composite elements had a good performance against the steel rod penetration ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation high impact velocity of a Bullet to Steel plate in Abaqus
This file contains CAE and English video of simulation high velocity impact of a bullet onto the steel plate in Abaqus software.For modeling bullet and plate lagrangian formulation has been used. Johnson-Cook material is appropriate for modeling high speed deformation with damage initiation. In this simulation Explicit procedure and general ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation high velocity impact penetration into the Concrete wall in abaqus-sph
This is full English video step by step explain simulation high velocity impact of a projectile into the concrete wall .The concrete part is modeled as three dimensional part. CDP or concrete damage plasticity is used to model the tensile and compressive damage of concrete slab. The projectile is modeled ...
ادامه نوشته »High velocity impact on to ceramic plate reinforced with steel plate in Abaqus
This is a full English video to clarify high velocity impact of a steel projectile on to the ceramic plate reinforced with steel in Abaqus software. The steel projectile and steel plate have been modeled as a deformable part and for material model ductile with shear damage couple with damage ...
ادامه نوشته »Water sloshing simulation in Abaqus by using lagrangian element for water
This video contain CAE and INP and persian video files about sloshing process simulation in Abaqus. for water Us-Up material model has been used and you can see the water wave in the result section You can provide CAE ,INP,and English video files of this simulation here. The cost of ...
ادامه نوشته »