Introduction to Pull-Test Simulation in Abaqus Pull-test simulation in Abaqus is a computational method used to analyze the mechanical behavior of materials and structures under tensile loading. This type of simulation is commonly employed in various industries, including aerospace, automotive, and civil engineering, to predict the performance and failure mechanisms ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation crack growth in concrete containing wood shavings as aggregates in Abaqus
The critical mechanical characteristics governing the usability of concrete containing wood shavings as aggregates are mechanical strength and durability.There is a renewed interest in the use of wood-based composite materials because of their ability to regulate indoor climate. Numerous studies have shown that the hygroscopic behavior of materials of vegetable ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation blast loading over sandwich panel(GFRP+Foam) in Abaqus by using CONWEP model
In this simulation the air-blast response of sandwich panels with composite face sheets (GFRP) and foam cores has been investigated.Sandwich panels based on two relatively stiff face sheets separated by a foam core are commonplace in the marine industry.for example in surfboard and yacht construction. Lightweight sandwich materials are attractive options for ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation high-velocity impact of a ceramic target with Johnson–Holmquist material model
In this video Simulation high-velocity impact of a ceramic target with Johnson–Holmquist material model has been studied.Ceramic materials are commonly used in armor protection applications. In recent years Johnson, Holmquist, and their coworkers have developed a series of constitutive relations to simulate the response of ceramic materials under large strain, high-strain ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation air blast load over reinforced concrete wall with Johnson-Holmquist behavior in Abaqus
In this tutorial Simulation air blast load over reinforced concrete wall with Johnson-Holmquist behavior in Abaqus has been investigated. Dynamic explicit step with conwep air blast procedure are appropriate for this analysis.The JH-2 model is a constitutive model suitable to predict the behaviour of brittle materials subjected to extreme loading. The ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation crack growth in the Koyna dam under seismic load in Abaqus
In this example we consider an analysis of the Koyna dam, which was subjected to an earthquake of magnitude 6.5 on the Richter scale on December 11, 1967. The example illustrates a typical application of the concrete damage base on traction separation laws. Dam is modeled as two dimensional part ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation high velocity bullet impact to three layers plate in Abaqus
In this video Simulation high velocity bullet impact to three layers plate in Abaqus has been investigated. To model all part three dimensional space was used. Ductile and Shear damage with evolution for modeling steel behavior, Johnson-Cook damage and plasticity for modeling aluminium behavior and Ductile damage couple with Drucker-Prager plasticity for ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation of high velocity impact in fluid-filled containers using finite elements with adaptive coupling to smoothed particle hydrodynamics
This video presents a numerical study on the simulation of impacts of projectiles on fluid-filled container. All the parts are modeled as a three dimensional parts and for projectile steel material and for container aluminium has been used. To predict damage propagation Johnson-Cook plasticity and damage for two metal parts ...
ادامه نوشته »Crack modeling and mechanical fracture parameter in the four point bending test in Abaqus
In this tutorial crack modeling and mechanical fracture parameter in the four point bending test in Abaqus has been investigate. Piece has a crack edge with three mm length which under the bending load. In this example two dimensional part has been used and the pieces is modeled with steel material ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation ellipsoid crack in the pressure vessel under variable pressure with subroutine
In this video you can see step by step tutorial of ellipsoid crack in the pressure vessel under internal and external pressure in ABAQUS sofware.The internal pressure is fixed but the external pressure is variable with time and location. For calculation the external pressure we used DLOAD subroutine as function ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation blast loading over concrete slab
In this video you can see Simulation blast loading over concrete slab in Abaqus step by step. Concrete is modeled as lagrangian part with Johnson-Cook material plasticity and damage to predict fracture area in slab. JH material is appropriate for blast analysis and high speed deformation. For blast modeling CONWEP ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation High Velocity Impact on to the Silicon Carbide Plate in Abaqus
This is a full English video to clarify high velocity impact of a steel projectile on to the ceramic plate in Abaqus soft ware. The steel projectile has been modeled as a deformable part and for material model has been used ductile and shear damage with evolution for predicting fracture ...
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