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خانه / بایگانی برچسب: eulerian

بایگانی برچسب: eulerian

CEL and Eulerian Analysis Package in Abaqus

In Abaqus, CEL (Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian) and Eulerian analysis are advanced techniques used to model complex problems involving large deformations, fluid-structure interactions, and multiphase flows. These methods are particularly useful when traditional Lagrangian approaches struggle to handle severe mesh distortions or when fluid behavior dominates the problem Eulerian Analysis Eulerian analysis is a framework where ...

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Simulation bird strike by using hybrid Eulerian–Lagrangian formulation in Abaqus

The work presented in this paper deals with application of explicit finite element analyses in order to predict bird strike induced impact damage on A very common example of foreign object impact in air trans-port is bird strike. Due to increased density of the air transport and changing migration routes ...

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ٍSimulation buried steel pipelines against Eulerian-Lagrangian subsurface explosion in ABAQUS

Buried pipelines are among the most important elements of lifelines used for distribution of water, gas, oil, etc. Buried pres-surized gas pipelines are likely to be endangered by accidental explosions in process industries, explosives factories, open pit mines, quarries, public works or even intentional explosions near a pipeline Multiple explosions ...

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Eulerian analysis of a collapsing water column in ABAQUS

This video utilizes the pure Eulerian analysis technique to model a dynamic fluid flow event involving large deformation.Water column collapsed under  gravity load . To model water and domain just one eulerian part has been created.Dynamic explicit is appropriate for eulerian analysis and because of the column height Geostatic stress ...

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