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خانه / بایگانی برچسب: concrete slab

بایگانی برچسب: concrete slab

ُSimulation of the behavior of bolted shear connectors in composite slabs with steel deck in Abaqus

In this tutorial, the ُSimulation of the behavior of bolted shear connectors in composite slabs with steel deck in Abaqus has been studied. The steel beam, concrete, and bolts are modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The steel deck is modeled as a shell part. You can see a figure ...

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Simulation low energy impact on the concrete slab with pre tensioned bars reinforced with GFRP in Abaqus

In this tutorial the Simulation low energy impact on the concrete slab with pre tensioned bars reinforced with GFRP in Abaqus has been studeid. Concrete is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The GFRP part is model as plannar shell part. The steel basrs are modeled as three-dimensional wire part ...

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Simulation Ballistic performances of concrete targets subjected to projectile impact by Johnson, Holmquist material model in Abaqus

Concrete is a widely used material in the construction of strategic and important structures such as nuclear containments, bridges, storage structures and military bunkers. In the present study perforation experiments and simulations on finite element code ABAQUS/Explicit have been carried out to understand the behavior of concrete against projectile impact.The ...

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Simulation three dimensional crack growth in concrete slab by using XFEM technique

In this video Simulation three dimensional crack growth in concrete slab by using XFEM technique in Abaqus software has been studied.Concrete part is modeled as three dimensional part with traction separation behavior which defined in material property. To model crack growth under static load XFEM procedure with planar crack has been ...

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