In this tutorial, the Simulation of composite panels made of profiled steel skins and concrete under axial compressive load in Abaqus has been studied. The steel profile is modeled as a three-dimensional shell part. The concrete core is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. You can see a figure of ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation of rigid impact on the composite panel(Aluminum and Wood) in Abaqus-Damage investigation
In this tutorial, the Simulation of rigid impact on the composite panel(Aluminum and Wood) in Abaqus has been investigated. The rigid impactor is modeled as the shell part. The aluminum plate is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The wood layer is modeled as a three-dimensional part with some layers. ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation rigid impact to the composite panel(CFRP+TPU+AL) in Abaqus-Damage investigation
In this tutorial, the Simulation rigid impact to the composite panel(CFRP+TPU+AL) in Abaqus-Damage investigation – has been studied. The CFRP part is modeled as a shell part with eight layers. The Thermoplastic polyurethane is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The Aluminum part is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation CEL explosion over the composite panel(Concrete-Steel bar-Steel sheet) in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation CEL explosion over the composite panel(Concrete-Steel bar-Steel sheet) in Abaqus has been done. The concrete is modeled as three dimensional solid part. The TNT and steel sheet are modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The steel bars are modeled as three-dimensional wire part. The Eulerian ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation high velocity impact of the steel projectile on the composite panel(Steel-Concrete-Epoxy glass) in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation high-velocity impact of the steel projectile on the composite panel(Steel-Concrete-Epoxy glass) in Abaqus has been investigated. The steel projectile is modeled as a cylindrical solid part. The steel plate as a first layer of the panel is modeled as a three-dimensional part. The concrete as ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation crack growth in concrete containing wood shavings as aggregates in Abaqus
The critical mechanical characteristics governing the usability of concrete containing wood shavings as aggregates are mechanical strength and durability.There is a renewed interest in the use of wood-based composite materials because of their ability to regulate indoor climate. Numerous studies have shown that the hygroscopic behavior of materials of vegetable ...
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