This tutorial investigates the Simulation of the dynamic behavior of T-shaped steel-reinforced concrete columns under high and low-impact loading in Abaqus. The concrete and steel T-shaped columns are modeled as three-dimensional solid parts. The steel reinforcements are modeled as wire parts. You can see figures of the assembled parts below ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation of high-velocity impact on the Ceramic-Glass polypropylene (GFPP) panel in Abaqus
Simulation of high-velocity impact on the Ceramic-Glass polypropylene (GFPP) panel in Abaqus has been done in this tutorial. The ceramic is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The GFPP part is modeled as a three-dimensional shell part with some layers. You can see a figure of the assembled parts below ...
ادامه نوشته »Numerical simulation on high-low velocity impact response of GLAREs
The numerical simulation on the high-low velocity impact response of GLAREs in Abaqus software has been investigated. The model contains metal aluminum layers and glass fiber. You can see a figure of the assembled parts below In recent decades, the demand for high‐performance materials has increased significantly in various sectors ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation bird strike impact with SPH method to the composite blade in Abaqus
In this tutorial the Simulation bird strike impact with SPH method to the composite blade in Abaqus has been investigated. The bird is modeled as the three-dimension solid part. The composite blade with eight layers is modeled as three-dimensional shell part. You can see a figure of the assembled parts ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation low energy impact on the concrete slab with pre tensioned bars reinforced with GFRP in Abaqus
In this tutorial the Simulation low energy impact on the concrete slab with pre tensioned bars reinforced with GFRP in Abaqus has been studeid. Concrete is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The GFRP part is model as plannar shell part. The steel basrs are modeled as three-dimensional wire part ...
ادامه نوشته »Abaqus Impact Package- A lecture contains Forty tutorials – More than Twenty hours of simulation
In this package, the high and low-velocity impacts are investigated through 40 step-by-step tutorials for more than 20 hours. Through those 40 separated simulations, all aspects of the impact and collision are studied. Each tutorial contains cae, inp, step-by-step English video, and papers, also some of them have codes. Impact ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation steel bullet impact to the armor panel(Ceramic- Aluminum Foam) in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation steel bullet impact to the armor panel(Ceramic- Aluminum Foam) in Abaqus has been investigated. The steel bullet is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The ceramic and aluminum foam are modeled as three-dimensional solid parts. Because of the symmetry conditions, one-quarter of the whole model ...
ادامه نوشته »Abaqus full lecture-High and Low-Velocity Impact- More than ten hours of modeling and simulation
In this lecture, the High and Low-velocity impact phenomenon is investigated. The lecture duration is more than ten hours and during that, twenty different models are simulated based on the research paper as a reference for the material. We define the proper material model for each part for instance in ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation of low energy impact on the RC beam and residual displacement investigation in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation of low energy impact on the RC beam and residual displacement investigation in Abaqus has been done. The concrete beam is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The steel bars and strips are modeled as three-dimensional wire parts. The hammer is modeled as a rigid ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation of rigid body impact to the interior voided RC slab in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation of rigid body impact on the interior voided RC slab in Abaqus has been investigated. The RC voided slab is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The steel bars are modeled as three-dimensional wire parts. The rigid impactor is modeled as a three-dimensional shell part. ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation low velocity impact on the CFRP-AL Foam-CFRP panel in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation low velocity impact on the CFRP-AL Foam-CFRP panel in Abaqus has been investigated. The CFRP are modeled as three-dimensional solid parts with four different fiber direction. The Aluminum-Foam as a core part is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The projectile is modeled as the ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation rigid ball impact on the steel pipe with and without the CFRP reinforcement layers in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation rigid ball impact on the steel pipe with and without the CFRP reinfocement layers in Abaqus has been investigated. The steel pipe is modeled as a three-dimensional shell part. The CFRP pipe is modeled as three-dimensional shell part and conventional shell section with eight layers ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation repetitive low velocity impact on the composite panel(three glass layers+two epoxy layers) in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation low velocity impact on the composite panel(three glass layers+two epoxy layers) in Abaqus has been investigated. The three glass layers are modeled as three-dimensional solid parts. The two glue or epoxy layers are modeled as three-dimensional solid part. The rigid projectile and supporter are modeled ...
ادامه نوشته »Dynamic response of square sandwich plates with a metal foam core subjected to rigid projectile impact in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Dynamic response of square sandwich plates with a metal foam core subjected to rigid projectile impact in Abaqus has been investigated. The sandwich structure has been paid more attention and widely used in a number of critical engineering due to its excellent advantages over the monolithic ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation low velocity impact on reinforced concrete beam in Abaqus-Damage investigation
In this tutorial Simulation low velocity impact on reinforced concrete beam in Abaqus-Damage investigation has been studied .Reinforced concrete (RC) structures have been widely used for centuries but the understanding of the impact behavior of these structures against impact loads is still limited. Several design codes based on an equivalent ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation low-velocity impact response and damage mechanism of glass fiber aluminium laminates in Abaqus
In this tutorial Simulation low-velocity impact response and damage mechanism of glass fiber aluminium laminates in Abaqus has been studied.Glass fiber aluminium laminate (GLARE) is a kind of fiber metal laminates widely applied in aircraft structures, frequently subjected to low-velocity impact incidents. The purpose of this paper is to investigate ...
ادامه نوشته »Low-velocity impact behaviour of RC slab strengthening with CFRP strips in Abaqus
In this tutorial Low-velocity impact behaviour of RC slab strengthening with CFRP strips in Abaqus has been investigated.Reinforced concrete slabs are structural members that are com-monly used in constructions. Slabs are designed by considering the effects of both vertical static and dynamic loads. Impact load is a kind of impulsive ...
ادامه نوشته »Deformation behavior of multi-layered materials(silicon carbide,steel,aluminium,CFRP) under impact loading in Abaqus
The study of interaction between two impacting bodies, known as impact dynamics or terminal ballistics has many crucial applications. Bullet impact on armor, occupant and pedestrian safety during automobile accidents, tool drop on aircraft wing, are few examples where impact dynamics plays an important role. An in-depth understanding of deformation ...
ادامه نوشته »Numerical investigations of S-Glass/Polyester composite laminate plate under low energy impact
With the growing use of composites in military, air vehicles and naval structures, sporting goods and the power industry, the comprehension of impact mechanism and dynamic behavior is critical to composite designers and end users. A wealth of knowledge has been published on dynamic impact response of composite materials and ...
ادامه نوشته »