In this tutorial, the Simulation UHPFRC beam with initial void reinforced with CFRP rod and Expoxy under dynamic bending has been investigated. The concrete beam, CFRP rod, epoxy glu are modeled as three-dimensional solid parts. Two rigid body as a hydraulic jacks also are modeled. You can see a figure ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation CEL explosion in the depth of water near the aluminum hull in Abaqus- three sea mine explosion
In this tutorial, the Simulation CEL explosion in the depth of water near the aluminum hull in Abaqus- three sea mine explosion- has been done. The domain is modeled as a three-dimension Eurlerian part. The hull is modeled as a three-dimensional shell part. The water and three TNT parts are ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation air blast explosion over the rubberized concrete column reinforced with green composite in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation air blast explosion over the rebberized concrete column reinforced with green composite in Abaqus has been done. The rubberized concrete column is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The green composite with some layers is modeled as a three-dimensional shell part. The steel reinforcements are ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation dynamic bending test of a rubberized concrete beam reinforced with green composite
In this tutorial, the Simulation dynamic bending test of a rubberized concrete beam reinforced with green composite in abaqus has been investigated. The rubberized concrete beam is modeled as a three-diensional solid part. The green composite is modeled as a three-dimensional shell part with four layups. The steel bas and ...
ادامه نوشته »Explosion simulation near the reinforced concrete wall with green composite-SPH method
In this tutorial the explosion simulation near the reinforced concrete wall with green composite-SPH method- has been investigated. The TNT part is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The concrete wall or slab is modeled as three-dimensional solid part, the green composite part with eight layers is modeld as three-dimensional ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulatio bird strike impact with SPH method to the composite blade in Abaqus
In this tutorial the Simulatio bird strike impact with SPH method to the composite blade in Abaqus has been investigated. The bird is modeled as the three-dimension solid part. The composite blade with eight layers is modeled as three-dimensional shell part. You can see a figure of the assembled parts ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation CEL explosion inside the CFRP composite vessel in Abaqus
In this tutorial the Simulation CEL explosion inside the CFRP composite vessel in Abaqus has been investigated. The CFRP vessel is modeled as a three-dimensional shell part in sixteen layers with different oreintation. The TNT part is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The surounding is modeled as an Eurlerian ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation low energy impact on the concrete slab with pre tensioned bars reinforced with GFRP in Abaqus
In this tutorial the Simulation low energy impact on the concrete slab with pre tensioned bars reinforced with GFRP in Abaqus has been studeid. Concrete is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The GFRP part is model as plannar shell part. The steel basrs are modeled as three-dimensional wire part ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation CFRP water storage tank under close air blast explosion in Abaqus
In this tutorial the Simulation CFRP water storage tank under close air blast explosion in Abaqus has been investigaed. The CFRP tank is modeled as a three-dimensional shell part. The water is modeled as solid part and it’ll used as reference volume in load section to define the amount and ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation internal explosion of a pipe with steel supporters in Abaqus
In this tutorial the Simulation internal explosion of a pipe with steel supporters in Abaqus has been investigated. The steel pipe is modeled as three-dimensional solid part, it can also be shell part. The upper and bottom supports are modeled as three-dimensional solid part. You can see a figure of ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation air blast explosion test over a reinforced UHPC- Damage analysis
This tutorial investigates a Simulation air blast explosion test over a reinforced UHPC- Damage analysis. The Ultra-High-Performance Concrete is modeled as the three-dimensional solid part. The embedded bars and strips parts are modeled as a three-dimensional wire part. You can see a figure of the assembled parts below The UHPC ...
ادامه نوشته »شبیه سازی انفجاردر هوا در نزدیکی ستون بتنی فوق توانمند در آباکوس-بررسی آسیب
در این ویدئوی آموزشی به شبیه سازی انفجار در هوا روی یک ستون بتنی فوق توانمند تقویت شده با میلگرد در نرم افزار آباکوس-بررسی تخریب- پرداخته ایم. مدلسازی به صورت سه بعدی بوده و تیر بتنی به صورت یک پارت سالید و سه بعدی، میلگردها و خاموت ها به صورت ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation steel projectile impact to the Reinforced-Ultra-High-Performance Concrete- Damage investigation
In this tutorial, the Simulation of steel projectile impact to the Reinforced-Ultra-High-Performance Concrete- Damage investigation has been investigated. The Ultra-High-Performance Concrete is modeled as the three-dimensional solid part, the embedded beam parts are modeled as a three-dimensional wire part, and finally, the steel projectile is modeled as a solid part. ...
ادامه نوشته »شبیه سازی برخورد پرتابه سرعت بالا به پنل بتنی فوق توانمند در آباکوس- بررسی تخریب
در این ویدئوی آموزشی به شبیه سازی برخورد پرتابه سرعت بالا به پنل بتنی فوق توانمند در آباکوس- بررسی تخریب- پرداخته ایم. مدلسازی شامل دال بتنی فوق توانمند به صورت سه بعدی و تغییر شکلپذیر، دو لایه میلگرد به صورت سه بعدی و سیمی، و جسم ضربه زننده فولادی به ...
ادامه نوشته »Abaqus Impact Package- A lecture contains Forty tutorials – More than Twenty hours of simulation
In this package, the high and low-velocity impacts are investigated through 40 step-by-step tutorials for more than 20 hours. Through those 40 separated simulations, all aspects of the impact and collision are studied. Each tutorial contains cae, inp, step-by-step English video, and papers, also some of them have codes. Impact ...
ادامه نوشته »Abaqus Crack growth Package- A lecture contains 10 tutorials – More than five hours of simulation
In this lecture through ten step-by-step tutorials, many aspects of the crack growth like XFEMm H integral, and … in concrete, steel, dam, bone, and…are investigated. All the tutorials are explained from A to Z, each tutorial contains cae, inp, and step-by-step English video. All the tutorials in the package ...
ادامه نوشته »پکیج جامع شبیه سازی ترک در آباکوس-شامل ۱۵ مثال کاربردی با بیش از ۸۵ درصد تخفیف
در این پکیج آموزشی در قالب ۱۵ مثال کاربردی سعی گردیده شده است تا تمامی جوانب رشد ترک به روش های مختلف تشرریح و توضیح داده شود. در هر مثال از پکیج رشد ترک در ماده خاصی به صورت سه بعدی و یا دوبعدی در نظر گرفته شده است. مثالهای ...
ادامه نوشته »پکیج شبیه سازی جامع مسائل سازه ای انواع بتن در آباکوس- ۳۵ مثال کاربردی با بیش از ۸۵ درصد تخفیف
در این پکیج سعی بر این بوده که مسائل مختلفی مربوط به تحلیل های سازه ای بتن( انواع بتن) گنجانده شود. مسائلی مربوط به تیر،ستون، اتصالات، بارگذاری تکراری، برخورد تکراری،بتن فوق توانمند و الیافی، مسائل مربوط به آسیب، تیرو ستون های کامپوزیت،…در این پکیج در قالب فایل آموزشی قرار داده ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation RC beam under repeated impact of the rigid hammer in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation RC beam under the repeated impact of the rigid hammer in Abaqus has been investigated. The concrete beam is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The steel rebar and strips are modeled as three-dimensional wire parts. The rigid hammer is modeled as a three-dimensional rigid ...
ادامه نوشته »شبیه سازی برخورد تکراری یک جسم صلب به تیر بتنی مسلح در نرم افزار آباکوس
در این ویدئوی آموزشی به شبیه سازی برخورد تکراری یک جسم صلب به تیر بتنی مسلح در نرم افزار آباکوس پرداخته ایم. مدلسازی به صورت سه بعدی بوده و تیر بتنی به صورت سالید، میلگرد و خاموت ها به صورت وایر، و جسم صلب به صورت شل و ریجید طراحی ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation Blast response of aluminum/thermoplastic polyurethane sandwich panels in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation Blast response of aluminum/thermoplastic polyurethane sandwich panels in Abaqus has been investigated. The aluminum sheets are modeled as three-dimensional solid parts. The TPU is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. You can see a figure of the assembled parts below. History presents evidence of the ...
ادامه نوشته »Numerical analysis of tilted angle shear connectors in steel-concrete composite systems in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Numerical analysis of tilted angle shear connectors in steel-concrete composite systems in Abaqus has been investigated. The concrete block is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The steel beam and steel angle connector are modeled as three-dimensional solid parts. Two rigid bodies are used as boundary ...
ادامه نوشته »شبیه سازی نبشی اتصال دهنده برشی در سیستم بتنی-فولادی در آباکوس- تعیین ظرفیت باربری
در این ویدئوی آموزشی به شبیه سازی نبشی اتصال دهنده برشی در سیستم بتنی-فولادی در آباکوس- تعیین ظرفیت باربری- پرداخته ایم. مدلسازی شامل چند پارت از قبیل ستون فولادی به صورت سه بعدی و تغییر شکلپذیر، پارت بتنی به صورت سه بعدی و تغییر شکلپذیر، پارت نبشی زاویه دار به ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation compression test of the concrete column with and without steel reinforcement-Compression test
In this tutorial, the Simulation compression test of the concrete column with and without steel reinforcement-Compression test- has been investigated. The concrete column is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The steel reinforcements are modeled as wire parts and two rigid bodies as boundary zone and hydraulic jack. You can ...
ادامه نوشته »شبیه سازی تست فشار ستون کوتاه بتنی با و بدون تقویت کننده فلزی در آباکوس-مقایسه باربری
در این ویدئوی آموزشی به شبیه سازی تست فشار ستون کوتاه بتنی با و بدون تقویت کننده فلزی در آباکوس-مقایسه باربری- پرادخته ایم. مدلسازی به صورت سه بعدی شامل هندسه ستون بتنی، میلگرد ها و اجسام صلب در نقش تکیه گاه و جسم وارد کننده نیرو می باشد. ستون بتنی ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation RC column retrofitted with CFRP and epoxy under compression load in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation RC column retrofitted with CFRP and epoxy under compression load in Abaqus has been done. The circular concrete column is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The sell strips and bars are modeled as three-dimensional wire parts. The CFRP is modeled as a conventional shell ...
ادامه نوشته »Seismic behavior of RC exterior wide beam-column joints in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Seismic behavior of RC exterior wide beam-column joints in Abaqus has been simulated. The concrete beam and column are modeled as three-dimensional solid parts. The steel bars and strips are modeled as three-dimensional wire parts. You can see a figure of the assembled parts below Reinforced ...
ادامه نوشته »High-velocity impact on the RC panel- Paper validation
In this tutorial, the High-velocity impact of a bullet on the RC panel- Paper validation- is investigated. The dimensions are extracted from the paper. The concrete slab is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The steel reinforcements are modeled as three-dimensional wire parts. The bullet is modeled as a discrete ...
ادامه نوشته »Abaqus Full Course of Steel Structure Modeling and Simulation- More than Eight hours Duration
In this course, you will learn all aspects of steel structure modeling and simulation in Abaqus. The lecture contains sixteen sections, in each section, the tutor has explained all thing from A to Z. Geomert modeling, material definition and equations, steps, interaction, load, mesh, and results. The dynamic bolt failure, ...
ادامه نوشته »Abaqus full lecture-High and Low-Velocity Impact- More than ten hours of modeling and simulation
In this lecture, the High and Low-velocity impact phenomenon is investigated. The lecture duration is more than ten hours and during that, twenty different models are simulated based on the research paper as a reference for the material. We define the proper material model for each part for instance in ...
ادامه نوشته »Abaqus Concrete Structures- Lecture contains all thing about concrete-More than ten hours of simulation
In this lecture through Twenty step by step tutorial, many aspects of the concrete structure like a beam, RC beam and column, normal concrete, UHPC, and UHPFRC concrete, composite beam, and column, cyclic loading over the RC beam and column, CFDST and CFST column, ECC beam-column joint, high strength concrete ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation cyclic loading of a composite Column(UHPC + Steel box) in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation cyclic loading of a composite Column(UHPC + Steel box) in Abaqus has been studied. The Ultra-High-Performance Concrete column is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The steel box cover is modeled as a three-dimensional shell part. You can see a figure of the assembled parts ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation cyclic loading behavior of a reinforced rubberized concrete column in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation cyclic loading behavior of a reinforced rubberized concrete column in Abaqus has been investigated. The rubberized concrete column is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The steel bars and strips are modeled as three-dimensional wire part. You can see a figure of the assembled parts ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation of low energy impact on the RC beam and residual displacement investigation in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation of low energy impact on the RC beam and residual displacement investigation in Abaqus has been done. The concrete beam is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The steel bars and strips are modeled as three-dimensional wire parts. The hammer is modeled as a rigid ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation of rigid body impact to the interior voided RC slab in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation of rigid body impact on the interior voided RC slab in Abaqus has been investigated. The RC voided slab is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The steel bars are modeled as three-dimensional wire parts. The rigid impactor is modeled as a three-dimensional shell part. ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation dynamic bending of RC beams strengthened with CFRP rods and Epoxy glue in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation dynamic bending of RC beams strengthened with CFRP rods and Epoxy glue in Abaqus has been done. The concrete beam is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The CFRP rod and epoxy glue are modeled as three-dimensional solid parts. The steel bars and strips are ...
ادامه نوشته »شبیه سازی خمش دینامیکی تیر بتنی مسلح به میلگرد فولادی،چسب اپوکسی و میلگردCFRP در نرم افزار آباکوس
در این ویدئوی آموزشی به شبیه سازی خمش دینامیکی تیر بتنی مسلح به میلگرد فولادی،چسب اپوکسی و میلگردCFRP در نرم افزار آباکوس پرداخته ایم. مدلسازی شامل پارت تیر بتنی به صورت سالید و سه بعدی، پارت میلگرد CFRP به صورت سالید و سه بعدی، پارت چسب به صورت سالید و ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation dynamic bending test of an interior voided RC UHPC beam in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation dynamic bending test of an interior voided RC UHPC beam in Abaqus has been studied. The Ultra-High-Performance Concrete beam is modeled as three-dimensional solid part with interior sphere voids. The steel bar and strips are modeled as three-dimensional wire parts. The rigid bodies are used ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation air blast load over a composite beam( UHPFRC- Steel beam with Shear stud) in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation air blast load over a composite beam( UHPFRC- Steel beam with Shear stud) in Abaqus has been investigated. The Ultra-High-Performance-Fiber-Reinforced Concrete is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The stud is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The steel beam is modeled as a three-dimensional ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation air blast explosion over composite slab(UHPC-Steel) by using cohesive interaction in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation air blast explosion over campsite slab(UHPC-Steel) by using cohesive interaction in Abaqus has been done. The two steel covers are modeled as three-dimensional solid part. The Ultra-High-Performance concrete is modeled as a three-dimensional solid par. You can see a figure of the assembled parts below ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation low velocity impact on the CFRP-AL Foam-CFRP panel in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation low velocity impact on the CFRP-AL Foam-CFRP panel in Abaqus has been investigated. The CFRP are modeled as three-dimensional solid parts with four different fiber direction. The Aluminum-Foam as a core part is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The projectile is modeled as the ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation bending test of a steel-concrete(foamed concrete) composite beam in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation bending test of a steel-concrete(foamed concrete) composite beam in Abaqus has been studied. The foamed concrete ( containing partial cement replacement) is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The steel beam is modeled as a three-dimensional shell part. The steel reinforcement is modeled as a ...
ادامه نوشته »شبیه سازی خمش تیر کامپوزیتی فولادی-بتنی( ذرات خاکستر جایگزین جزئی سیمان) در نرم افزار آباکوس
در این ویدئوی آموزشی به شبیه سازی خمش تیر کامپوزیتی فولادی-بتنی( ذرات خاکستر جایگزین جزئی سیمان) در نرم افزار آباکوس پرداخته ایم. مدلسازی به صورت سه بعدی بوده و شامل دال بتنی ساخته شده از مخلوط بتن با خاکستر و پوسته تخم مرغ به صورت سه بعدی و سالید، تیر ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation air blast explosion over a Wood-Concrete slab reinforced with BFRP lamina in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation air blast explosion over a Wood-Concrete slab reinforced with BFRP lamina in Abaqus has been investigated. The wood-concrete part is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The Basalt Fiber Reinforced Plastic( BFRP) is model as a shell part with eight layers. The steel reinforcement which ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation bending test of the UHPFRC beam reinforced with BFRP lamina in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation bending test of the UHPFRC beam reinforced with BFRP lamina in Abaqus has been investigated. The UHPFRC beam is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The BFRP lamina with eight layers is modeled as a shell part. The steel bars and strips are modeled as ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation air blast explosion over the RC beam reinforced with Banana-Epoxy lamina in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation air blast explosion over the RC beam reinforce with Banana-Epoxy lamina in Abaqus has been investigated. The concrete beam is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The bar and strip are modeled as three-dimensional wire part. The Banana-Epoxy part is modeled as a three-dimensional shell ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation compression test of the short concrete column reinforced with Banana-Epoxy lamina in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation compression test of the short concrete column reinforce with Banana-Epoxy lamina in Abaqus has been investigated. The concrete column is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The Banana-Epoxy lamina is modeled as a three-dimensional shell part. The steel bars and strips are modeled as three-dimensional ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation four-point bending of a concrete beam reinforced with steel bar and BFRP in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation four-point bending of a concrete beam reinforced with steel bar and BFRP in Abaqus has been done. The concrete beam is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The Basalt Fiber reinforced Plastic(BFRP) is modeled as a shell part with four layers. The strips and bars ...
ادامه نوشته »شبیه سازی خمش چهار محوره تیر بتنی تقویت شده با میلگرد و کامپوزیت بازالت چند لایه در آباکوس
در این ویدئوی آموزشی به شبیه سازی خمش چهار محوره تیر بتنی تقویت شده با میلگرد و کامپوزیت بازالت چند لایه در نرم افزار آباکوس پرداخته ایم. مدلسازی به صورت سه بعدی بوده و تیر بتنی به صورت سالید، میلگرد و خاموت ها به صورت سیمی یا وایر، کامپوزیت بازالت ...
ادامه نوشته »Simulation air blast explosion over the UHPC slab reinforced with BFRP composite in Abaqus
In this tutorial, the Simulation air blast explosion over the UHPC slab reinforced with BFRP composite in Abaqus has been investigated. The Ultra-High-Performance-Concrete is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. The Basalt fiber reinforced plastic(BFRP) is modeled as a shell part with four layers. You can see a figure of ...
ادامه نوشته »