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خانه / Abaqus tutorial videos / Abaqus advanced tutorials / Simulation water sloshing of the buried concrete tanks in soil subjected to seismic loading

Simulation water sloshing of the buried concrete tanks in soil subjected to seismic loading

In this tutorial, Simulation water sloshing of the buried concrete tanks in soil subjected to seismic loading has been studied. Earthquake brings huge losses in the development of human society repeatedly, which is one of the most serious natural disasters facing humanity. The world’s earthquake occurs about  ۵۰۰ million times every year, of which magnitudes 6 and above is about 100 to 200 times and magnitudes 7 and above is about 18 times. Earthquake loads have usually been considered in their design, but the analyses have been based on a simplified theory developed for retaining walls with the wall top at the ground surface and the foundation assumed to be rigid. When the structure is  constructed below the surface in deep soil layers, these simplified methods have obvious limitations. The tank, soil, and water are modeled as a three-dimensional solid part. You can see a figure of the assembled parts at below

To model soil behavior Mohr-Coulomb plasticity and elasticity are used. For the water Us-Up equation of state and for concrete CDP model are used. The dynamic explicit step is used to investigate water sloshing during eathquake. The surface to surface contact between water and tank without zero value for friction coefficient is used. the contact between soil and concrete thak is assumed as a surface to surface contact with contact property. The fixed boundary is assigned to the bottom surface of the soil part and in step one, acceleration is applied to the soil. The geostatic stress as the predefined field is assigned to the soil. The mesh should be proper to get a good result.

After the simulation, the water sloshing, pressure, stress, and displacement of all parts are available. You can see some figures for the result below

You can provide CAE ,INP,and English video files of this simulation here. The cost of these files is Twenty-Six Euros. you can click on the bellow bottom to beginning process

You can purchase the tutorial through a PayPal account, a Visa, or a Master card,  just before payment,send me an email to this address: karampourp@gmail.com


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