In this tutorial, the Simulation of water sloshing in a cylindrical tank under seismic loading with the Acoustic method in Abaqus has been investigated, besides the seismic loading analysis, the frequency model is done to extract the frequency of the tank and acoustic water part. The storage steel tank is modeled as a three-dimensional shell part. The water is modeled as a solid, and the water’s upper surface is modeled as a shell part. You can see a figure of the assembled parts below

Sloshing is a violent, resonant fluid motion in a moving tank. When a fluid moves and interacts with its container, the dynamic pressures of such an interaction may cause large deformation in the container wall and supporting structure. Most of the work has been done on rectangular tanks.
The dynamic explicit and implicit both can be used. The proper interactions are considered among the parts. The mechanical boundary is assigned to the tank and the acceleration is applied as a seismic load. The proper acoustic load and boundary are assigned to the water as the acoustic part. the mesh should be fine to obtain the correct results
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