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خانه / Abaqus tutorial videos / Simulation under water explosion shock over a cylindrical aluminum shell in interaction with soil in Abaqus

Simulation under water explosion shock over a cylindrical aluminum shell in interaction with soil in Abaqus

In this tutorial, the Simulation under water explosion shock over a cylindrical aluminum shell in interaction with soil in Abaqus has been studied. The water is modeled as a three-dimensional solid part with acoustic behaviour. The aluminum part is modeled as a three-dimensional shell part, and the soil as a solid part. You can see a figure of the assembled parts below

In modern warfare, the role of naval warfare is becoming increasingly critical. Since World War II, scholars have been conducting systematic research on UNDEX.In particular, the underwater precision strike in war bears a complex nature and often occurs in the noncontact explosion in the vicinity of the target. The damaging impact of a blast is related to the explosion source and is closely related to the stand-off distance, surrounding medium, target size, material properties, and other factors.In the case of near-field explosions, the target is influenced by the initiation process, detonation products, shock waves, etc. The distance from the detonation center progressively weakens the impact of detonation products on the target and shock wave energy, However, for far-field explosions, the initiation of the explosion is not the focus of this study, and comparatively, the process of shock wave propagation and the effect of damage is more crucial.The persistence of shock waves is related to the surrounding medium in the propagation process. The shock wave generated by the explosion is fundamentally related to the transmission of the response state of the medium

To model water behaviour, the acoustic medium property is selected. To model aluminum behaviour, the elastic-plastic model with Johnson-Cook damage criterion is considered. The soil is  model as an elastic material with Mohr-Coulomb plasticity. The dynamic explicit step is appropriate for this type of analysis . The perfect contact is assumed between the water and soil, water and shell part. The UNDEX method as the incident wave model is selected to transfer the pressure load through the water. The proper boundary condions and mesh are assigned to the model

After the simulation, all resutls such as stress, strain, damage, pore pressure, wave propagation, soil displacement,and the other resutls are available. You can see some figures for the resutls below


You can provide CAE ,INP,and English video files of this simulation here. The cost of these files is Twenty-six Euros. you can click on the bellow bottom to begin the process

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