In this tutorial, the Simulation cyclic loading of a steel beam-column joint with welded steel angle and stiffeners in Abaqus. Box column, steel beam angles, and stiffeners are modeled as the three-dimensional solid part. If a structural steel member is subjected to a cyclically varying load of sufficient amplitude it may fail after a certain number of load repetitions, even though the maximum load in a single cycle is much less than that required to cause yielding or fracture. You can see a figure of the assembled parts below
Cyclic loading refers to the process in which stress or strain is applied to a material repeatedly over time, causing the material to experience alternating periods of loading and unloading. It is a key factor in the study of fatigue and failure in materials.. Under cyclic loading, the elastic deformation will be recovered in the process of unloading, but the irreversible deformation will remain. The irreversible deformation, growth trend, and accumulation of total fatigue are directly related to fatigue damage