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خانه / Abaqus tutorial videos / Abaqus advanced tutorials / Simulation CFRP retrofit of concrete circular column in Abaqus

Simulation CFRP retrofit of concrete circular column in Abaqus

In this tutorial Simulation CFRP retrofit of concrete circular column in Abaqus has been investigated. A considerable number of existing reinforced concrete columns do not meet present needs in terms of strength, ductility and durability. Repair and/or strengthening may be needed when columns are damaged under external loads, such as seismic or impact, or due to steel corrosion in exposed environments. Strengthening may also be needed due to change in structural use or removal of adjacent load bearing structural elements to rectify the structural discontinuity. In such circumstances, external confinements can provide additional load bearing capacity for the columns. Such confinement can also increase the durability and ductility of the columns.FRP laminate confinement of concrete columns has been accepted as an excellent substitute for steel/concrete jacketing, thereby reducing the high cost of column strengthening

The concrete column is modeled as three dimensional part with CDP material model, circular and axial truss as wire part with elastic plastic material,CFRP as elastic engineering constants with Hashin’s damage criterion. You can seea figure of assembled parts at below

To avoid unconvergence in the static analysis, dynamic explicit procedure is selected to achieved bearing capacity of column. General contact among all parts and tie constraint between CFRP and column has been chosen. The bar is embedded in the concrete column. The displacement boundary is applied to the rigid body like a hydraulic jack and bottom of the column is fixed. The mesh quality has great result over the result. After the simulation tensile and compressive damage,stress,strain and displacement would be achievable. The force-displacement diagram has drawn at the end of simulation. You can see some figures of this simulation at below

You can provide CAE ,INP,and English video files of this simulation here. The cost of these files is Twenty-Five Euros. you can click on the bellow bottom to beginning process

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