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خانه / Abaqus tutorial videos / Abaqus advanced tutorials / Simulation air blast over a composite panel( Glass Epoxy-Ceramic-thermoplastic polyurethane) in Abaqus

Simulation air blast over a composite panel( Glass Epoxy-Ceramic-thermoplastic polyurethane) in Abaqus

In this tutorial, the Simulation air blast over a composite panel( Glass Epoxy-Ceramic-thermoplastic polyurethane) in Abaqus has been done. The epoxy glass composite part is modeled as a three-dimensional shell part with sixteen layers. The ceramic and polyurethane are modeled as three-dimensionalsolid part. You can see a figure of the assembled parts below

History presents evidence of the risk and repercussions of explosions to both structural integrity and consequently human life. Due to this, a great deal of effort has been expended by the engineering community as well as government agencies to improve the impact and shock resistance of engineering structures. Several studies have been carried out on the development of sandwich structures that are able to withstand high-intensity impulse loading

Numerous criteria have been presented on the degradation of composites laminates so far, which stems from the difference in the material properties and manufacturing methods. However, some of these criteria are commonly used and have shown good accuracy in studying the behavior of composite laminates. Also, in this study, Hashin’s theory is used

To model TPU material, the elastic-isotropic plasticity with ductile damage criterion is selected. To model ceramic behavior, the shear modulus with drucker prager hardening couple with equation of state and ductile damage

The dynamic explicit step is so proper for this type of analysis. The CONWEP air blast method is selected, in this way the mass and location of the TNT should be defined. The ideal contact is considered for the interaction surfaces. The proper boundary conditions are assigned to the sides of the panel. The mesh should be fine to obtain the correct results

After the simulation, all results such as stress, strain, damage, failure, fiber damage,… are available. You can see some figure for the results below


You can provide CAE ,INP,and English video files of this simulation here. The cost of these files is Twenty-eight Euros. you can click on the bellow bottom to begin the process

You can purchase the tutorial through a PayPal account, a Visa, or a Master card,  just before payment,send me an email to this address: karampourp@gmail.com

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