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خانه / Abaqus tutorial videos / Abaqus advanced tutorials / Finite element simulation of air blast explosion over the glass in Abaqus-Damage analysis

Finite element simulation of air blast explosion over the glass in Abaqus-Damage analysis

In this tutorial Finite element simulation of air blast explosion over the glass in Abaqus-Damage analysis- has been investigated.The glass and frame are modeled as a three dimensional part.You can see a figure of the assembled parts at below

Elastic plastic material with Johnson-Cook damage criterion is used to model steel frame behavior. To model glass material ,Abaqus gives some model one of them is elastic as shear modulus,drucker prager plasticity,ductile damage criterion and equation of stat,by using those parameter the Abaqus can take results for glass. Another procedure is VUMAT subroutine or call embedded subroutine in the input file which can provide the exact results .

Dynamic explicit procedure and perfect contact between glass and frame are used. The CONWEP air blast technique to apply blast pressure on the glass surface is selected. Fix boundary condition is assigned for the frame. The mesh has a crucial role to achieve correct result ,so it needs to use fine mesh for the glass.

After the simulation all results such as damage variable for glass,stress,strain,pressure and ….can be achievable . You can see some figures of the results at below

You can provide CAE ,INP,and English video files of this simulation here. The cost of these files is Twenty-Nine Euros. you can click on the bellow bottom to beginning process

You can purchase the tutorial through a PayPal account, a Visa, or a Master card,  just before payment,send me an email to this address: karampourp@gmail.com


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