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خانه / Abaqus tutorial videos / Abaqus advanced tutorials / Damage mechanism and response of reinforced concrete containment structure under internal explosion

Damage mechanism and response of reinforced concrete containment structure under internal explosion

Reinforced concrete containment of nuclear power plant must be constructed and operated in order to protect the population and environment against an uncontrolled release of radioactivity in the event of severe internal or external accident occurrence, such as large fires, earthquakes, jet aircraft impact, that might be expected during the plant lifetime.Numerical simulation of the blast loading parameters for a specified scale distance for reinforced concrete containment is very significant in precise determination of the response. Most parameters for modeling the blast shock waves interactions as available for different parameters have been expressively stated. The dynamic response and damage mechanism of the reinforced concrete containment are investigated subjected to internal blast loading at varying scale distances. The effect of explosion inside of containment has been presented in terms of the extent of cracking in the concrete, stress in steel bar and concrete after yielding and deflections. In this tutorial CEL explosion inside the RC Concrete vessel has been investigate. To model Eulerian explosion volume fraction method has been implanted.You can see some figures of this simulation at below

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