In the present package, all aspects of the simulations and modeling in Abaqus through around four hundred separate tutorials are investigated. During this full package, you will learn everything and you will be a master in simulation. The package contains all our English tutorials on the website before publishing this post. You can check the below list as a summary of the titles in this package.
Explosion: Couple Eulerian-Lagrangian method, Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic, Acoustic, CONWEP, Pure Lagrangian
In the explosion section, we have modeled many tutorials with the above methods like an underwater explosion, blast test on the wall, column, beam, structure, skull, bricks, steel, sandwich structure, composite panels, reinforced concrete, foam, metal foam, UHPC, UHPFRC, ceramics, stone, in the depth of soil, near embedded structure, on the vessels, CFRP, GFRP, AFRP, BFRP, Jute-concrete, and the other materials and phenomenon
High and Low-Velocity Impact
In the impact section, we have simulated all aspects of high and low-velocity impact like impact on concrete, UHPC, UHPFRC, steel, aluminum, armors, sandwich panels, ceramics, titanium, composite material, CFRP, GFRP, AFRP, reinforced concrete, polymer foam, metal foam, TPU, pipe, honeycomb structure, beam, column, glass, ice, water, ABS, plastic material
In the welding section, we have studied some important subjects like friction stir welding of aluminum, steel, and copper, plates with CEL method, arc welding, pipe welding, fusion welding by using DFLUX subroutine, impact welding, explosive welding, water jet welding.
In the biomechanics section, we have modeled all the subjects in this domain, like tooth, mandible, implant insertion, implant loading, titanium foam implant effect, bone fracture, blood, and vessel, bone crack modeling, bone drilling, skull under impact load
In the forming section, some tutorials have been studied, like incremental forming, sheet metal forming, cold extrusion, deep drawing, electro-hydraulic forming, chip forming, thermal chip forming, Acoustic EHF, drilling process, explosive forming, hydroforming, spring back
In the crack section, XFEM, Fatigue, J integral, and crack seam methods are investigated, like crack growth in concrete plate, concrete dam, wood-cement material, steel, vessel, crack under bending and tension test, fatigue analysis in two and three-dimension, and ellipsoid crack modeling with variable DLOAD subroutine
In this section, many tutorials about soil modeling are used such as the explosion in the depth or surface of the soil, explosion in the tunnel, embedded pipe in soil, pilled-raft, consolidation, foundation, pile capacity, bearing capacity, embankment, earthquake, buried tank under seismic loading, geosynthetic, excavation, impact on soil, and TBM
CFD and Fluid-Structure Interaction
In this section of the package, some examples of the CFD and FSI analysis are modeled, like the internal and external flow on the pipes, T-Junction, airfoil, blade, butterfly valves, thermal analysis of water, pipes, FSI modeling of pipe, airfoil, cylinder, mixer, blood, and vessel
Thermal-structure simulation
In this section, we have some tutorials about thermal analysis, like heat transfer analysis in the manifold, FSI analysis of the manifold, fire analysis of steel beam, fire modeling in the concrete, and reinforced concrete, cold spray with cel, sph, and Lagrangian method
Cyclic analysis and simulation
The cyclic loading in both static and dynamic approaches is modeled through many tutorials such as cyclic loading of the steel beam, column, honeycomb steel, welded steel beam-column, steel beam-column with steel angle, composite column, and concrete beam-column, beam-column joint, composite beam, composite column, fatigue simulation, complex structure
In the masonry action of the package, some simulation is done like rocking, FRP brick wall reinforcement, Micro and Macro modeling of the brick wall, masonry wall under air blast, CEL and SPH explosion, infill masonry wall, bricks reinforced with GFRP, bending test, earthquake analysis
Discrete Element Method(DEM)
In the DEM section, some examples are used like impact on the sand, soil impact on the plate…during these tutorials, the DEM method in Abaqus is explained in detail. It is available through
Pull-out Test
In this section, we have some tutorials related to the pull-out test like single steel fiber pull-out, pull-out steel bar from concrete, a screw from bone, plater from concrete, and some other models
Composite material
In the section, all maters about composite material under low, and high-velocity impact, explosion, blast, bending, and delaminations of the material like CFRP, GFRP, AFRP, BFRP, Jute-Epoxy, … are investigated.
Concrete structure
Many tutorials in this section of the package are studied in detail, like impact, explosion, tension, compression, damage, failure, fracture, of the normal, HSC, UHPC, UHPFRC, rubberized concrete, light concrete, with many material models like CDP, brittle model, Johnson-Holmquist, and many other related works
Steel structure
In this section, all aspects of steel structure are simulated as many tutorials, like steel beam, column, beam-column joint, beam joint failure, bolt joint failure under tension load, composite beam, composite column, shear stud, shear bolt, fire, steel angle failure, stud, steel bar pull-out, bending test of the beam and composite slab, repeated impact on the steel box
Seismic simulation
In this section, we have many tutorials of the seismic load, like a concrete tunnel, concrete tunnel in interaction with soil, earthquake over the embankment, gravity dams, vessels, embedded vessels in the soil
Electromagnetic modeling and simulation
In this field, some tutorials have been studied, like frequency analysis of piezoelectric and extract eigenvalues and shape modes, voltage analysis current modeling.
The package also contains many other tutorials, like air balloons, new material models, agriculture simulation, water, ship moving, progressive failure, water jet, Ice breaking, Micro impact, surface modification, sequential analysis, rock explosion, sandstone cutting, glue, sequential construction, dam, steel deck system, Visco simulation
The cost of this full package containing all our English tutorials around Four-Hundred thirty tutorials is Two Hundred-thirty euros,and that is so flexible especially for the students and teacher. Each tutorial contains CAE, INP, step-by-step English video, papers, and codes. The download links for the package will be available for a year from the time you buy it
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