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خانه / Abaqus tutorial videos / Abaqus advanced tutorials / Abaqus Full Course of Steel Structure Modeling and Simulation- More than Eight hours Duration

Abaqus Full Course of Steel Structure Modeling and Simulation- More than Eight hours Duration

In this course, you will learn all aspects of steel structure modeling and simulation in Abaqus. The lecture contains sixteen sections, in each section, the tutor has explained all thing from A to Z. Geomert modeling, material definition and equations, steps, interaction, load, mesh, and results. The dynamic bolt failure, steel bolted double angle connection, steel beam damage under cyclic loading, steel-concrete joint, steel-concrete composite column, cyclic loading over a steel column with stiffeners, steel beam-column connection with bolt, steel beam-column with steel angle and gusset, Concrete Filled Double Skin Tube Column, reduce beam section-column with stiffener, and honeycomb steel beam are investigated. Axial, compression, tension, dynamic, and cyclic load are explained. The isotropic hardening, ductile damage, damage evolution, shear damage, and… material models are used during the lecture. You can check the sixteen below titles represented in the lecture

Simulation cyclic loading over steel beam-column structure reinforced with CFRP in Abaqus

Simulation flexural behavior of the steel beam reinforced with CFRP in Abaqus

Simulation shear failure of two steel plates with bolt connection in Abaqus

Simulation cyclic loading of the steel beam-column structure and damage investigation in Abaqus

Simulation dynamic bolt failure (bolt and steel plates joint) in Abaqus

Simulation of steel bolted double angle connections under dynamic load in Abaqus-Failure analysis

Simulation steel beam damage under cyclic loading in Abaqus standard

numerical simulation of steel–concrete joints and composite beams

Simulation steel-concrete composite column under vertical and horizontal load in Abaqus

Simulation cyclic loading over a steel column with stiffeners in Abaqus-Damage investigation

Simulation steel beam-column connection with bolt-in Abaqus-Beam failure investigation

Simulation cyclic loading over steel beam-column with steel angle and gusset in Abaqus

An Investigation into the Axial Capacity of Concrete Filled Double Skin Tube Columns in Abaqus

Simulation cyclic loading of the reduce beam section-column with a stiffener in Abaqus

Simulation bolt failure in the bolted joints in Abaqus

Simulation honeycomb steel beam under cyclic load to extract hysteresis diagram in Abaqus

The cost for this lecture contains Sixteen separate models step by step more than ten hours duration is Fifty-Seven Euros. You can use a PayPal account, a Visa, or a Master card for the payment.

Before payment, send me an email to this address: karampourp@gmail.com


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