تمامی مطالب این سایت محفوظ بوده و هر گونه کپی برداری از مطالب این سایت پیگرد قانونی دارد.
خانه / Abaqus tutorial videos / Abaqus advanced tutorials / Abaqus Bio-Mechanical full lecture- Seven Hours modeling and simulation contains twelve lectures

Abaqus Bio-Mechanical full lecture- Seven Hours modeling and simulation contains twelve lectures

In this lecture, we explained twelve titles about Bio-Mechanical engineering. During the lecture, we explained each model from A to Z. First, schematic of the problem and then modeling and simulation

In the first lecture, the pull-out process of the medical screws from the bone has been investigated. The material model and its equations, steps, interaction, and mesh step by step are explained. In the second lecture, the dental implant in the mandible bone is simulated. The dental implant part is a crucial component in the dentistry field and in this lecture, it is completely explained by the tutor In the next lecture, the crack growth in the bone part base on the damage criterion model in Abaqus is modeled. The material data are extracted from the reference paper after that bone drilling by using a rigid drill by using Johnson-Cook damage and hardening for the bone is stimulated. The model is so clear from the first to end. Bone cutting by using the CEL approach is defined in another lecture. The damage and failure criterion for the bone is so important. The rigid body impact on the femur bone is investigated by using an explicit method. Titanium Foam  Behavior for Dental Application can be a very interesting lecture because of the implant material and all the material details are explained in detail through the lecture. The dental implant insertion is another lecture in which the tutor used a clear explanation for that and the implant is modeled as a rigid body and mandible bone is considered as a solid part which experiences damage during the analysis. Static load over the crown of the tooth has been done. At the end of the lecture, three models about blood and vessel CFD and FSI simulation has been simulated to understand the role and modeling procedure of the fluid and structure in interaction

These are titles of the lecture and you can find them separately on the website

Simulation pull-out process of the medical screw from the bone in Abaqus- Damage investigation

Simulation dental implant in interaction with mandible bone under dynamic load in Abaqus

Crack growth stimulation of bone under three points bending in Abaqus

Simulation bone drilling process by using the explicit method in Abaqus

Simulation and numerical modeling of orthogonal cutting of cortical bone in Abaqus

Simulation femur bone fracture under rigid impact in Abaqus

Finite Element Simulation of Titanium Foam Behavior for Dental Application

Simulation dental implant insertion in Abaqus

Finite element simulation of the human tooth under static load in Abaqus

Simulation Non-Newtonian blood flow behavior in Abaqus CFD

FSI simulation of blood and vessel in Abaqus-Co Simulation process

Fluid-Structure Interaction simulation of human blood with the coronary vessel in Abaqus


The cost for this lecture and access full time is Sixty-One Euros. You can use a PayPal account, a Visa, or a Master card for the payment. This lecture is an original one and we can answer all your questions after you watch the lecture and running the Abaqus files for the models. This lecture is so better than the Udemy lectures because almost they are copy projects and the writer can’t answer your questions because they breaking copyright rule to earn money

Before payment, send me an email to this address: karampourp@gmial.com



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