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خانه / Abaqus tutorial videos / Abaqus advanced tutorials / Simulation Ballistic performances of concrete targets subjected to projectile impact by Johnson, Holmquist material model in Abaqus

Simulation Ballistic performances of concrete targets subjected to projectile impact by Johnson, Holmquist material model in Abaqus

Concrete is a widely used material in the construction of strategic and important structures such as nuclear containments, bridges, storage structures and military bunkers. In the present study perforation experiments and simulations on finite element code ABAQUS/Explicit have been carried out to understand the behavior of concrete against projectile impact.The constitutive modelling for simulating the ballistic penetration of concrete was carried out using Holmquist-Johnson-Cook (HJC) material model.that is most suitable for predicting the behavior of concrete under large strains, high strain rate and high pressure. The HJC model predicts the normalized equivalent strength, σ*, of concrete as a function of pressure and strain rate through a simplistic uncoupled approach taking into account the damage cracking and compaction.In recent years Johnson, Holmquist, and their coworkers have developed a series of constitutive relations to simulate the response of ceramic materials under large strain, high-strain rate, and high-pressure impacting conditions. In this example the JH-2 material model is explored to investigate the penetration velocity of a gold projectile impacting on a concrete target.The JH-2 model assumes that the damage variable increases progressively with plastic deformation

The concrete part is modeled as three-dimensional solid part. The material definition needs some techniques to be created as an input file or VUMAT subroutine. The dynamic explicit step is appropriate for this type of simulation. The contact pair with contact property is selected. The fixed boundary condition is assigned to the concrete slab. The mesh should be fine ate the contact zone. During the analysis, the projectile penetrated to the concrete and causes a huge damage on the concrete slab.

You can see some figures of this simulation at below

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