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خانه / Abaqus tutorial videos / Simulation of the dynamic behavior of T-shaped steel reinforced concrete columns under high and low-impact loading in Abaqus

Simulation of the dynamic behavior of T-shaped steel reinforced concrete columns under high and low-impact loading in Abaqus

This tutorial investigates the Simulation of the dynamic behavior of T-shaped steel-reinforced concrete columns under high and low-impact loading in Abaqus. The concrete and steel T-shaped columns are modeled as three-dimensional solid parts. The steel reinforcements are modeled as wire parts. You can see figures of the assembled parts below

Steel-reinforced concrete (SRC) columns have been widely used in engineering structures, such as super high-rise buildings, bridges,s and
railway stations due to the high bearing capacity and excellent seismic resistance of SRC columns, compared to reinforced concrete (RC)
columns. During their service life, these structures may experience various kinds of impact-loading, caused by collision, loose boulders, and blasts. Typical collisions, caused by vessels and vehicles, are commonplace for bridge pier SRC columns and exterior SRC columns in viaducts and related structures. Accidental collisions can generate strong impact loads, which act on columns in a very short time. Such loads can lead to serious damage or even collapse the whole structure. Even a minor collision that causes limited damage to the bridge can result in the bridge being closed for inspection and repair before it is put back into service

 According to the position of the steel skeleton in the section, it can be divided into symmetrical and non-symmetrical steel sections. To satisfy the uneven state of stress, the T-shaped and L-shaped non-symmetrical steel section is usually used inside and corner columns in actual engineering, which are more susceptible to impact loads. The impact load is mainly located in the symmetry axis. Therefore, it is necessary to study the dynamic response and damage of axially compressed SRC column under impact load

To model high and low-velocity impact, a dynamic explicit step is selected. Proper interactions, boundaries, and meshes are assigned to all parts. After the simulation, all results such as stress, strain, damage, failure, force, and others are available. You can see some figures of the results below

You can provide this simulation’s CAE, INP, and English video files here. The cost of these files is Twenty-Six Euros. you can click on the bellow bottom to begin the process

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